Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Lifelong Learner

The role of President in a Catholic K-8 school is fairly new and not widespread. I definitely enjoy focusing my time on 'big picture' tasks such as strategic planning, visioning, recruitment/retention, marketing and spreading the GOOD NEWS about what we do! As with any new job there is a lot to learn. I have been at my school for over six months now and continue to learn something new every day - about a student, a teacher's style, the school community, or a cutting edge strategy to meet our goals.

As an administrator in education it is important that I lead by example. Therefore I have been attending workshops and webinars focusing on furthering one's mission. Each learning opportunity seems to repeat the same message: social media makes a difference. Leaders in education are now reaching out to their school communities, potential parents and other interested parties through social media tools such as websites, Twitter, Facebook and blogs. Research and data supports the success of these tools in reaching constituents in a timely manner that reflects their lifestyle.

In response to what I was hearing, I added learning about and implementing these tools to my never ending 'to do' list. One by one I have put these tools into action and brought my school into a new realm of possibilities. I am diligently trying to reach out to anyone who may be interested in the great work we have been doing for 150 years. Today marks the end of the first chapter with the start of this blog. In the past two months our website has been renewed, a Twitter account has been created and a Facebook page has been created.

The next chapter is to keep these various tools updated. That will be part of my Monday tasks each week. I hope that I will see the engagement of the constituents of my school in new ways and am excited about the energy that this will bring to my role as President.